Pink Tower (presentation one)
This is a fun activity which children absolutely love. Children are encouraged to build a tower using ten pink wooden blocks, all ranging in size from big to small.
Pink Tower
How to build the Pink Tower
The directress will assist the child in bringing each cube one by one to the floor mat, holding each block firmly with two hands. Once all of the ten cubes are on the floor mat, the directress will begin to look for the biggest of the ten cubes and place that in front of the child. The largest of the pink blocks forms the base of the pink tower. Following this, the directress looks for the second biggest cube and places that on top of the first block. Keep going, looking for the next largest block to build the pink tower, until the smallest pink block finally goes at the very top.
Walking around the Pink Tower
The directress will usually ask the child to stand up and walk around the tower to see what it looks like from all sides. The child will be asked to have a turn once he has assisted the directress in taking down the pink tower, one block at a time.
What does building the Pink Tower improve?
Children will learn hand-eye coordination, gross and fine motor development, crossing the mid-line, alignment, judgment, concentration, and patience.
Looking for more Montessori activities?
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Visual and Muscle Discrimination Sense activities
Tactile Sense activities
Chromatic Sense activities
Auditory Sense activities
Thermic Sense activities
Baric Sense activities
Olfactory Sense activities
Stereognostic Sense activities
Geometry activities
Algebra activities