Scent/Smelling Bottles (presentation two)
How a three-period lesson is done with the Montessori Smelling Bottles
This presentation is done by the directress doing a three-period lesson with the child to encourage him to name the different scents.
Three-period lesson with the Montessori Smelling Bottles
First period: the directress introduces the first scent to the child, for example, lavender. She tells the child “this is lavender, can you say lavender?”. The directress isolates each scent by placing the bottle to one side.
Second period: the directress spends a great deal of time in this period. She places all three bottles in front of the child and asks him to show her the bottles she calls out for. She may muddle the bottles up and ask the child again.
Third period: the directress asks the child to name each bottle one by one, pointing at each bottle as she does so. She isolates each one by placing it to one side.
The directress consolidates the lesson by telling the child “today we learnt that this scent is called lavender” for example and she points to each bottle as she does so.
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