Colour Box Three (presentation two)
In this activity, the child learns to grade all of the colours in the box from darkest to lightest. The directress may say to the child “We will be making a colourful sun”, to gain the child’s interest. Children always seem to enjoy this activity.
Grading various shades of colours using Colour Box three
How is the second presentation done with Colour Box Three?
The directress asks the child to unroll two floor mats next to each other on the floor. She places a circular plate in the middle of the two floor mats. The directress assists the child in taking out one set of the different shaded colour tablets from the box. The directress begins by grading the first set of colours from darkest to lightest around the circular plate. The directress asks the child if he would like to continue grading the next set of colours. The child continues in this manner until all of the colours from the box have been graded from darkest to lightest.
What children learn by doing the second presentation with Colour Box Three
This activity develops the child’s fine motor coordination, the child becomes aware of different shades of colours, the child gets further practice with grading colour from darkest to lightest and this activity requires a lot of patience and concentration from the child, as it takes a long time to complete this activity.
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Visual and Muscle Discrimination Sense activities
Tactile Sense activities
Chromatic Sense activities
Auditory Sense activities
Thermic Sense activities
Baric Sense activities
Olfactory Sense activities
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