Stereognostic Bag (presentation two)
How the second presentation with the Stereognostic bag is presented
This presentation is very similar to the first presentation. This one differs where the child will be encouraged to use his sense of touch to feel inside the Stereognostic Bag and pull out two of the same shapes at the same time.
The directress shows the child once again how to put the strings around her neck having the bag rest on her lap. The directress begins by putting her two hands inside the bag, trying to feel for two of the same shapes to pull out at the same time and place on the mat together. Once she has found two of the same shapes, she pulls them out and places them next to each other on the mat. She usually does two or three shapes and then allows the child to continue with the activity independently.
Stereognostic bag
What does the second presentation with the Stereognostic Bag teach the child?
This activity develops the child’s muscle memory, promotes concentration, and is indirectly preparing the child for Geometry which he will learn later on.
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Visual and Muscle Discrimination Sense activities
Tactile Sense activities
Chromatic Sense activities
Auditory Sense activities
Thermic Sense activities
Baric Sense activities
Olfactory Sense activities
Stereognostic Sense activities
Geometry activities
Algebra activities