Geometric Cabinet (presentation three)
How is the third presentation done with the Geometric Cabinet?
In this activity, the child uses one of the drawers. The directress uses the circular drawer first. There are three sets of cards for each drawer (solid, broad, and thin outlines of each shape) She introduces the solid outline cards first to the child, the cards match each figure in the Geometric Cabinet.
The directress lays out the solid outline cards around the tray. She then takes out one of the insets with their right hand, using the correct pincer grip. The directress takes her time to find the matching card. Once she finds the correct card, she places the inset on top of it, making sure it covers all sides of the card. The directress continues in the same manner until all of the insets have been matched correctly with the cards. Then she replaces each inset back into the correct socket.
Geometric Cabinet using the solid outline of cards
What does the child learn by doing the third presentation with the Geometric Cabinet?
This activity prepares the child for mathematical work in geometry, it encourages the child to use the correct pincer grip, develops the child’s hand-eye coordination, as well as it develops the child’s visual perception of memory.
The directress moves onto the broad outline, then the thin outline of cards once the child has completed all of the solid cards and he has grasped the concept. The directress presents the broad and thin cards in the same manner as the solid cards.
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