Thermic Tablets (presentation two)
The child learns how to grade the Montessori Thermic Tablets from the coolest one to the warmest one. One pair of Thermic Tablets are used in this presentation.
Grading the Montessori Thermic Tablets from coolest to warmest
How is the second presentation done with the Thermic Tablets?
The directress begins by asking the child to sensitize his fingers. She then unpacks one set of the tablets and places them randomly on the mat. She tells the child that she is going to be grading the Thermic Tablets from the coolest one to the warmest one. She shows the child how to avert her eyes and she takes her time to feel for the coldest tablet. Once she has found the coldest one she places it on the far left-hand side of the mat, she continues in the same manner until all of the tablets have been graded from coldest to warmest correctly.
What does the child learn by doing the second presentation with the Thermic Tablets?
In this activity the child refines his discrimination of temperature, it promotes the child’s concentration, the child gets further practice with grading different materials, and this activity helps the child distinguish between different temperatures.
Looking for more Montessori activities?
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