Montessori Green language materials
The green series in Montessori is a very important stage for the child. The child acquires the knowledge to read naturally by learning the various sounds that two letters make together. The child cannot move onto the green reading material if he has not completed the pink and blue reading series.
Once the child has reached his goal to finally get to the green series in Montessori, he feels so satisfied, and his will to continue to read enhances every daily. It is so wonderful for the directress to witness such growth.
There is a wide variety of green reading material in a Montessori classroom. These activities are listed below:
Phonogram sandpaper letters
This activity is presented in a three-period lesson. The directress chooses two sandpaper letters, and one phonogram sandpaper letter to teach the child the specific name of the sound.
Small phonogram alphabet
The directress teaches the child how to build words with the Small phonogram alphabet. All of the words that are built contain phonograms.
Phonogram box
The Phonogram reading boxes are presented in the same manner as the pink, and blue reading boxes. The difference here is the child will be reading phonograms.
Phonogram word lists
The phonogram word lists are very similar to the pink, and blue word lists. The phonogram word lists differ as there are seven or more words on the card which all contain the same phonogram.
Phonogram booklet
The directress teaches the child how to turn each page very carefully with the Montessori phonogram booklet. Each page has a phonogram highlighted in red.
Family folders
The Montessori Family folder is a category of green word lists. On each list, there are various phonograms that contain the same sound.
Green sentence cards
Children are encouraged to read various sentences, each containing a phonogram. There is a picture on the left-hand side of the card that relates to the sentence.