Phonogram word lists
What is a phonogram word list?
A phonogram word list is similar to the pink and blue word lists. The phonogram word list has seven or more words on a vertical card containing the same phonogram, for example, fish, wish, dish, etc. The phonogram is printed in red at the top of the card as well as each phonogram on the card is highlighted in red.
The directress should have as many lists as possible.
How is a phonogram word list presented?
The directress begins the activity by introducing the phonogram word lists to the child and reminds him of the phonogram at the top of the list, e.g. ‘sh’ and what sound it makes. The child is encouraged to sound out, blend, and read the first word on the list. The directress uses her finger as a guide like before so the child knows which letter comes next.
The child is encouraged to repeat in the same manner until all the words on the list have been sounded out, blended, and read. The directress repeats with as many lists as the child wants to read through.
Phonogram word lists
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