Classified cards/pictures (presentation two)
How the second presentation is done with the Classified cards/pictures
This activity contains two sets of different groups of cards, for example, different means of transportation and different types of fruit. The top two pictures on the mat all have different means of transportation, and different types of fruit. For example, the first card will have different types of transportation a car, bus, plane, helicopter etc...
And the second card will have different types of fruit, for example, apple, strawberry, orange, banana, etc. There are also individual pictures for each group.
The directress begins the activity by introducing the cards to the child one by one and having a discussion with him about each picture. The child assists the directress in placing each card into their respective groups. For example, the directress may pick up a card of an airplane, and asks the child if he has ever been on an airplane and if so, where he had travelled to?
She then asks him if the card belongs to the transportation group or the fruit group? The child should then place the card below the transportation picture at the top of the mat.
The directress continues in the same manner until all the cards have been placed correctly below their respective heading. She ensures to make this activity as interactive as possible.
Classified cards
What the child learns by doing the second activity with the Classified cards/pictures
This activity increases the child’s vocabulary, it teaches him to give the correct name to the correct group, it helps the child with classification as well as this activity helps the child notice that all things have a meaning.
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