Adjective game (oral group presentation one)

What materials are needed for this activity?

For this activity, the directress needs a box, which contains a couple of objects that are the same but have a different type. An example could be, various buttons that are different in size and colour.

How is this activity presented?

The directress invites a group of children to sit around the floor mat with her. She places the materials for the game on the mat (these materials could include buttons). The directress asks one of the children to pass her a button, the child does so and she says, “No, not that button”.

She repeats in the same manner with a few more children. Finally, she explains to them that it is very difficult to know which button is being asked for, without describing it. She tells them that these describing words are called adjectives.

She asks the question again, “Could you please pass me the small red button?”. She lets all the children have a turn and then reiterates that describing words are called adjectives.

What do children learn from this activity?

In this activity, the child learns the full function of adjectives as well, as this activity, increases the child’s vocabulary.

Looking for more Montessori activities?

Here is a list of all the Montessori Language activities. These include Early Language, Pink Language Materials, Green Language Materials, Later Language, and Grammar. Just click on the page you want to learn about to go there.

Early Language

Pink Language Materials

Green Language Materials

Later Language
