Baric Tablets (presentation four)
How is the fourth presentation with the Baric Tablets presented?
For this presentation, the directress introduces all three of the boxes to the child: the light, medium and heavy boxes. The child is encouraged to make three different piles for each weight (a light, a medium, and a heavy pile).
The child has two piles on either side of him and one pile at the bottom of the mat. The child is encouraged to match the correct tablet with the correct pile. The child may have a blindfold on, which makes this activity a little more challenging.
Children seem to really enjoy this activity as they are using three different weights, this presentation is very fun and engaging for the child.
Montessori Baric Tablets
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Visual and Muscle Discrimination Sense activities
Tactile Sense activities
Chromatic Sense activities
Auditory Sense activities
Thermic Sense activities
Baric Sense activities
Olfactory Sense activities
Stereognostic Sense activities
Geometry activities
Algebra activities