Pink Tower (presentation two)
This activity is much the same of the first presentation, just this one differs in how the tower is built.
Pink Tower in Sensorial
How the Pink Tower is built for the second presentation
The largest block is put down on the first floor. The second-largest block of the pink tower is then placed on top of the first block, but with the bottom-left corner of the second block flush in line with the bottom left hand corner of the first block. The next largest block is then taken and balanced on top of the second block, again with the bottom-left hand corner directly above the bottom-left hand corner of both the first and second blocks.
The Montessori directress keeps taking increasingly smaller and smaller blocks from the table to place on top of the pink tower until all ten pink blocks have been used.
Once the tower is built from biggest to smallest, the directress asks the child to stand up and walk around the tower like before, and she takes the smallest cube and runs it around the edge of each cube to see if it has been built correctly. This is the activity’s control of error as if the smallest cube does not fit then something has been done incorrectly.
What skills does the child acquire by doing the second presentation with the Pink Tower?
The direct aim for this activity is to build the tower aligned to one side, the child also indirectly learns hand-eye coordination, crossing the mid-line, and this activity introduces the child to opposites, comparatives, and superlatives, as well as alignment, judgment, and concentration.
Looking for more Montessori activities?
Here is the full list of the Montessori tasks, including Visual and Muscle Discrimination Sense activities, Tactile Sense activities, Chromatic Sense activities, Auditory Sense activities, Thermic Sense activities, Gustatory Sense activities, Baric Sense activities, Olfactory Sense activities, Stereognostic Sense activities, Geometry activities, and Algebra activities. Just click on the activity you want to learn about to go there.
Visual and Muscle Discrimination Sense activities
Tactile Sense activities
Chromatic Sense activities
Auditory Sense activities
Thermic Sense activities
Baric Sense activities
Olfactory Sense activities
Stereognostic Sense activities
Geometry activities
Algebra activities