Knobless Cylinders (presentation one)
This is a fun activity where the child learns to build a tower using the Knobless Cylinders. You will only be able to build a tower with the yellow, green and red boxes as the blue box varies only in height, so we cannot build a tower.
Building a tower with the Green Knobless Cylinder
How the Knobless Cylinder tower is built
The yellow box will be the first presentation, then the green and then the red box. The directress will show the child how to bring the box to the floor mat, holding it correctly with two hands. The directress, with the assistance of the child, will take out each cylinder one by one and place them randomly on the mat, with the box pushed to one side of the mat and the lid of the box in front of the child to use as a base for the tower.
The directress will find the biggest cylinder and put it on the lid, looking carefully for the second biggest cylinder placing it on top of the biggest one, building it from biggest to smallest. Once the Knobless Cylinder tower is completed, the directress can ask the child to stand up and walk around it to see how it looks.
Walking around the Knobless Cylinder
The directress will usually ask the child to walk around the Knobless Cylinder tower to see how it looks from different angles. The child will then be asked to have a turn in building the Knobless Cylinder tower, once he has assisted her in taking down the tower, one block at a time.
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Visual and Muscle Discrimination Sense activities
Tactile Sense activities
Chromatic Sense activities
Auditory Sense activities
Thermic Sense activities
Baric Sense activities
Olfactory Sense activities
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