Large pictures of animals in their natural habitat
How this activity is presented?
The aim for this activity is to expose the child to a variety of animals. The directress begins by placing a few pictures down on the mat at a time, engaging with the child as much as possible. She asks the child to tell her the names of the different animals, if he does not know the names, then a three-period lesson can be done.
The directress tells the child all about their habitat, she refers to the types of food they eat, if they give birth to their young, if they have sharp claws and teeth, etc. This activity is wonderful for the child’s emotional IQ, as the child is encouraged to think for himself and give the answers to the directress.
When all of the pictures have been laid out and discussed, the child can read and place the labels of each animal independently, if he is able to read. If he is unable to read, the directress can assist him.
Animals in their natural habitat
What does the child learn by doing this activity?
This activity stimulates the child’s interest of animals, it broadens his knowledge of animals, as well as this activity encourages the child to sustain a high level of concentration and patience.
Looking for more Montessori activities?
Here is a list of all the Montessori Cultural activites. These include: Nature table, Nature walk, Blindfold trail, Silence game, Living and non-living things, Importance of the sun, Sandpaper globe, Continent globe, Plant classified cards, The tree, The leaf, The flower, and the seed.