How to stand in a queue
No one likes people pushing in the queue. You’ve been standing there for ages and then someone new comes along and pushes in the queue further in front of you! However, standing in a queue and making a nice line isn’t something that comes naturally to children; it’s natural that the biggest and fastest get to the front quickest.
Teaching children how to stand in a queue
Teaching children how to queue properly
Instead, children across the world have to be taught by adults to queue nicely and without argument. There will be many times in the Montessori where children need to form a line and we teach children how to stand in a queue properly without pushing and shoving. The directress will teach children to stand in a queue by getting the children to stand in a straight line without any fighting. Any children trying to gain an advantage and push in front of others are sent to the back of the line. This helps children to learn how to queue properly.
Looking for more Montessori activities?
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