Opening and Closing Boxes
This Montessori elementary activity requires you to bring in different boxes from home to class. These could be small jewelry boxes, cardboard boxes, small boxes with lids, small boxes with flaps, screw-top boxes, just different types of boxes. Children will learn to take the lids or tops off of different boxes and place the lids back on afterwards.
This exercise teaches children about different types of boxes and how they open. Children work out that some boxes open and close differently to others. They also work out just how to open and close different boxes.
Opening and Closing Boxes
Why is opening and closing boxes important?
Opening and closing boxes are fun for children and we often see children choose this activity in our observations. This activity helps children in problem-solving, as some boxes are quite tricky to close, especially boxes with flaps. Children also learn to identify different size lids and which lid fits which box. This helps develop IQ. Children also develop hand and finger muscles, as well as finger dexterity. This elementary Montessori exercise promotes hand-eye coordination.
How is the Opening and Closing Boxes activity presented?
This activity is usually presented with three or four different boxes on a tray. The child has to take off each box one by one and place it in front of the tray. The child takes off the first lid on the box on the left, moving along each box to the last box to open on the right. Once all of the lids are taken off their respective boxes, children need to place all of the lids back on again.
Looking for more Montessori activities?
Here is the full list of the Montessori tasks, including preliminary, elementary, applied exercises, and grace and courtesy. Just click on the activity you want to learn about to go there.