Teaching children how to use clothes pegs
In a Montessori Practical Life classroom children will learn many important skills. Pegging helps children to do things for themselves. Children also take responsibility for themselves and become independent. As children become proficient in pegging and using clothes pegs, they can help their parents to peg clothes on the washing line.
Teaching children how to use clothes peg’s
How children learn to use pegs in Montessori practical life
Children will learn how to hold a peg correctly with the three-finger tripod grip. This grip also promotes the pencil grip, good for when children move onto writing. It is a wonderful activity for fine motor skills, strengthening the finger muscles and, of course, concentration when the children are asked to clip pegs onto the side of a bowl.
An extension to learning how to use pegs
Once this elementary activity is mastered, the Directress can teach an extension for this activity. A good extension of pegging pegs onto the side of a bowl is pegging clothes onto a washing line. Children enjoy trying things on their own and have a real sense of accomplishment once they have mastered pegging pegs onto a bowl or pegging clothes onto a washing line.
Looking for more Montessori activities?
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