Spooning and Pouring
This Montessori elementary activity wonderfully combines two mastered elementary activities; ‘spooning’ and ‘pouring’. Children will often do this activity only once they have mastered spooning and pouring as separate activities in the Elementary Practical Life area.
How does combined Spooning and Pouring differ?
Spooning and Pouring in Practical Life
Children will have to use their full concentration when working with this activity. This is because children will be ‘crossing the mid-line’, which means the left-part of the brain is working with the right-part of the brain.
Children will first spoon material (such as rice, for example) into the jug on the right of the bowl, then the children will pour the rice back into the bowl again. Spooning and then pouring indirectly teaches children concentration, patience, independence. It also indirect preparation for reading and writing from left to right.
Looking for more Montessori activities?
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