Multiplication tables with the Short Bead Stair
What materials are needed for this activity?
For this activity, the directress needs 10 sets of short bead stairs and 10 golden 10-bead bars arranged in 10 compartments, multiplication series one sum card, a whiteboard marker, a cloth, and two pieces of felt.
Multiplication tables with the Short Bead Stair
How this activity is presented
The directress begins by telling the child that they will be doing multiplication with the short bead stair, and they will be multiplying by two. The directress shows the child all of the numbers on the sum card and reminds him that they will be multiplying all of the numbers twice.
She points to the multiplication sign (x) and tells the child that this sign indicates that we must multiply. The directress then focuses her attention on the first operation on the sum card (1x2) She takes the number 2-bead from the bead compartment and tells the child, “one-two is two” he is then asked to count the beads.
The directress moves on to the next operation on the sum card (2x2) She tells the child that they need to take 2 beads twice. She then takes 2 beads from the compartment and places them on the table, she then takes 2 more beads from the compartment and places them below the first 2 beads. She asks the child to count them, he should count 4 beads. She then tells the child, “ two-two’s are 4”
If the child has grasped the concept he is encouraged to do the rest of the sums on the card on his own. The directress reminds him to check the answers on the back of the card once he is finished all of the operations.
Looking for more Montessori activities?
Here is a list of all the Montessori Maths activities including Early Maths, Introduction to the Decimal System, Seguin Boards, The Hundred Board, The Short Bead Stair, Bead Chains, The Snake Game, Group Operations, The Large Number Rods, Recording with the Small Number Rods, The Short Bead Stair, The Strip Boards, The Boards, The Stamp Game, The Abacus, The Dot Game, and Fractions. Just click on the page you want to learn about to go there.
Early Maths
Introduction to the Decimal System
The Short Bead Stair
Seguin Boards
The Hundred Board
Bead Chains
The Snake Game
Group Operations
Large Number Rods
Recording with the Small Number Rods
The Short Bead Stair
The Strip Boards
The Boards
The Stamp Game
The Abacus
Operations with the Abacus: Static addition (without change)
Operations with the Abacus: Static multiplication (without change)
Operations with the Abacus: Static subtraction (without change)